花 酒蔵 餐酒館
Aplus Dining Sake Bar
花 酒蔵,一個和式的名字,透著酒香
- 第一盤「加州捲」
- 第一份「米比薩」
- 第一瓶「鑑賞級清酒」
- 第一家「清酒專賣店」
- 第一多「駐店唎酒師人數」
- 第一多「清酒品項」
- 第一家「擁有自家品牌純米大吟釀」;
Since from 1997, “Guest First” has become our credo. In the same time, A-plus Dining Sake Bar has been achieved numerous “Number One” records in Taiwan market.
- The First Japanese Fusion restaurant.
- The First restaurant providing “California Roll” and “Rice Pizza”.
- The First Sake Bar.
- The First bottle of branded “Junmai Daiginjo” Sake served.
- The Largest Number of Sake Sommeliers in house
- More the 1st are coming up…